About Us
Physical Therapy is a health profession that utilizes the application of medical and scientific principles to identify and rehabilitate acute or chronic physical dysfunction. Medical Training and an in-depth understanding of anatomy, kinesiolgy, and physiology enables physical therapists to be effective in the treatment of injuries or dysfunction to the spine and extremities. The words of Mary McMillan, identified as the first physical therapist in this country) remind physical therapists of their purpose: "to assess,prevent and treat movement dysfunction and physical disability, with the overall goals of enhancing human movement and function." (from Physical Therapy by Scully and Barnes.)"
Performance Physical Therapy Philosophy and Mission Statement:
At Performance Physical Therapy, we treat all our patients equally with the utmost of respect and care.
Our Philosophy at PPT is: "when you listen closely enough to your patient, they will tell how to treat them." We are committed to assisting our patients return to their prior functional level or to assist them in reaching as improved functional level as possible. We listen to our patients and design a treatment plan and approach individual to our patient's problems, needs and goals.
We evaluate each patient for the following: their goals for P.T. treatment, their past and present medical history, and their present social history and occupation. We then design a program based on their diagnosis(es) and individual histories.
We educate our patients on their injury, the role of physical therapy in their rehabilitation process, and we empower our patients on taking an active role in their healing. We also educate our patients concerning re-injury prevention with proper body mechanics with functional activities and proper form with therapeutic exercises.
Our goal for our patients is to assist them in progressing to the point where they can independently manage any remaining dysfunction at home with (thermogenic modalities, comprehensive home exercise program).
We treat our patients using a holistic approach incorporating modalities, soft-tissue work, joint ROM, joint and muscle flexibility, joint mobility and arthrokinematics, strengthening, endurance, postural/proximal stabilization, neuromuscular re-education, and functional activities training. When needed we also incorporate simulation exercises, gait assessment and training, balance and proprioceptive activities, and we also provide custom fit orthotics.
We believe that early mobilization of an injury is of vital importance to helping an injured body part heal as quickly and strongly as possible and to keep loss of function to a minimum.
We work in conjunction and consult with the patient's physician to facilitate the best plan of care and outcome for our patients. At minimum, we provide the referring physician with a monthly report on his/her patient's progress.